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Building a Safe and Trustworthy Property Community: How to Report a Message on PropertyLoop

At PropertyLoop, we are committed to fostering a secure and inclusive environment for all our users. We believe in building a property community where everyone feels respected, valued, and safe. If you encounter a message that you believe is discriminatory, abusive, or violates our Community Standards, we encourage you to report it immediately. Our team takes such reports seriously, and we will investigate the matter thoroughly to ensure appropriate action is taken.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to report a message:

  1. Access Your Inbox: Log in to your PropertyLoop account and navigate to your Inbox. Look for the message thread containing the user or message you want to report.

  2. Locate the Flag Icon: Above the message or next to the user's profile picture, you'll find a flag icon. Click on the flag icon to initiate the reporting process.

  3. Provide Relevant Information: In the report, we kindly ask you to share additional details about the message or user that you find concerning. This information will help us better understand the situation and take appropriate action in line with our Community Standards.


Why Reporting Matters:

Reporting inappropriate messages is a crucial step in creating a safe and welcoming environment for all users. By promptly reporting any discriminatory or abusive content, you play an active role in maintaining the integrity of our platform and protecting others from harmful interactions.


Our Commitment:

At PropertyLoop, we value every member of our community. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of respect, fairness, and inclusivity. Our team reviews each report diligently and takes appropriate actions, which may include warning the user, restricting their access, or, in severe cases, permanently suspending their account.


Confidentiality and Trust:

We understand that reporting incidents may be sensitive, and we treat all reports with strict confidentiality. Rest assured that your identity will be kept confidential throughout the investigation process.


Together, we can build a community that celebrates diversity, promotes trust, and empowers everyone to find their ideal property. If you ever encounter any issues while using our platform, do not hesitate to reach out and report any inappropriate behaviour. Your active involvement helps us make PropertyLoop a safe and supportive space for everyone.


Remember, our Community Standards are the foundation of our platform's success, and we rely on your support to uphold them. Thank you for being an essential part of our thriving property community.