Addendums/Additional Clauses to an AST

In the UK, a tenancy agreement, also known as an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreement, is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental arrangement between a landlord and a tenant. While the core elements of a tenancy agreement are standardised, there can be additional addendums or extra clauses added to address specific situations or concerns. These addendums should be agreed upon by both parties and comply with the relevant landlord-tenant laws. Here are some typical addendums or extra clauses that landlords or tenants may consider including in a tenancy agreement:

  1. Pets Clause: This clause specifies whether pets are allowed and outlines any restrictions or conditions related to pet ownership, such as additional cleaning etc.

  2. Smoking Clause: If smoking is not allowed on the property, a clause can be added to make this clear. This might also include details about designated smoking areas, if applicable.

  3. Maintenance and Repairs: This clause can outline the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant regarding property maintenance and repairs, including who is responsible for minor repairs and maintenance tasks.

  4. Subletting Clause: If the tenant wishes to sublet the property, this clause can specify under what conditions subletting is allowed and the process for obtaining permission from the landlord.

  5. Gardening and Landscaping: If the property has a garden or outdoor space, this clause can detail the responsibilities for its upkeep, such as mowing the lawn, weeding, or maintaining flowerbeds.

  6. Utility Bills: This clause can specify whether utility bills (e.g., water, gas, electricity) are included in the rent or if the tenant is responsible for paying them separately.

  7. Notice Periods: While standard notice periods for ending a tenancy are typically outlined in the agreement, this clause can provide additional clarification or requirements related to giving notice to terminate the tenancy.

  8. Right to Entry: This clause can outline the circumstances under which the landlord or their agents can enter the property, such as for inspections, repairs, or emergencies, and the notice required.

  9. Furnished or Unfurnished: If the property is furnished, the inventory of furnishings can be included as an addendum to the agreement.

  10. Break Clause: A break clause allows either the landlord or tenant to end the tenancy early, usually after a specific period, with proper notice.

  11. Deposit Protection: The agreement should include information about how the tenant's security deposit will be protected and any relevant terms for its return at the end of the tenancy.

  12. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): You can include a clause specifying that any disputes between the landlord and tenant will be resolved through ADR methods before resorting to legal action.

  13. Tenant Insurance: This clause can require the tenant to have renter's insurance and provide proof of coverage.

  14. Special Conditions: Any other specific conditions or agreements reached between the landlord and tenant can be included in an addendum. This could cover things like property alterations, early termination, or shared responsibilities for certain services.

It's important that both landlords and tenants thoroughly read and understand the entire tenancy agreement, including any addendums or extra clauses, before signing it. If either party has concerns or wishes to add specific clauses, it's advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement is fair and compliant with current landlord-tenant laws in the UK.